This map was made using CC3‘s Fantasy Worlds style, which is based on the artwork of Swedish cartographer Pär Lindström.
This style works well for large-scale maps covering entire continents and worlds, focusing more on political boundaries and large bodies of water rather than the minutiae of specific regions, cities, waterways and smaller natural features. You can read more about the style and see more sample photos at the Profantasy website.
I think this map is the best so far! I hope you make more, there’s a game called Afterwind/AtWar that is like Risk, and you can use custom images to make maps. I’m going to use a couple of maps for the game. 🙂
Thanks for the maps. I am working on a play by email fantasy game, and the only hold up I had was a large world map. I’ll start with this and see where it leads me. Thanks again
You misspelled “desert”.Other than that,it’s pretty good!
Ha, ha – must have been hungry when I made that map. Fixed now – thanks.
Can the maps be edited?
Hi Kristin,
If you download this particular map it will just be a flat .jpg file, so you will need to use CC3, Photoshop, Gimp or another image editing program to edit it. If you have CC3, you can easily make such a map and edit it as you wish.
Excuse me may i use this map for a book i am writing? I know you said your maps are free to use but i just want to make sure
Yes you may. Good luck with your book!
This is a truly fantastic map, doubly so with the price.
Was looking for a promotional map to use which highlights the value is using maps created by artists for game development.
I’m writing a book for Unity3D game development and have featured your image and the site in a section on world maps.
Tried several other sites but seems most map authors don’t like free promotion in return for use of their images, so I was very grateful by your open license on the site.
If you want any more info on the book, please let me know, or if you have a similar world image you would prefer I use.
Thanks Again
Thanks Simon. Glad you found a good use for the map. Feel free to leave a link here to where you featured the map and let us know when your book publishes.
So is there a download so that I can make my own maps?
I made this map with this software. It is not free, but it is very good for making maps.
If you’re looking for a free software, you could try Gimp.
Hi, your maps look great and I’m planning to buy the cc3 to do a map for my book, but the problem is there is so many bundles to choose for, since you experience in this software, is it enough for me to just buy Campaign Cartographer 3 with downloadable CC3+ for my map which consists of the following.
Overland Black and White map.
Legends includes, castle, forests, mountains etc
and lastly a compass.
appreciate the help mate.
I was wondering, is there a west to the Pär Lindström Style Fantasy World Map?
Is there a way I can get this map without all the labels?
do you have a blank version? without words? id love to use some for my book. (credit given :))