I made this mini-adventure for my current Shadowdark campaign. Included herein:
- Color + black & white map
- Room-by-room guide
- Random Encounter table
- Curse and Blessing of Shune the Vile
- Treasure!
- NPC stats
- Magic item
- Spell
The Royal Goblet
1. Tavern
The pearl of the slums, the Royal Goblet, hosts the seediest and most unsavory clientele in the Village of Darkwater. A grand stone fireplace warms the body; a steady flow of Stale Ale and Barnacle Grog warms the belly and dulls the mind. Nelvyn, the barkeep proprietor, carries a key around his neck.
2. Kitchen
Casks of alcohol and boxes of food sit against the east wall; a stove and preparation table on the west.
3. Nelvyn’s Room
Simple furniture and a bearskin rug adorn this room, also a locked metal door (Nelvyn’s key unlocks).
Cultist Den
Random Encounters
d4 | Details |
1 | 1 cultist and d4 acolytes march with purpose |
2 | A grick approaches |
3 | d4 darkmantles descend from above |
4 | A cloaker swoops into view |
4. Gathering Hall
Spiral stairs descend into a dank cavern. Roll d6: 4-6 = no one else present; 1-3 = d4 initiates sit on reed mats studying profane texts – they are hostile to anyone not wearing the crest of Shune.
Wall sconces cast dim light and long shadows. Barnacle grog ages in wooden barrels, extra storage for the Royal Goblet. A few scattered bookshelves contain musty tomes and scrolls. Searching the shelves will discover a scroll of Detect Magic and obsidian bookends carved in the likeness of Shune (20 gp). A weapons rack leans against the northwestern wall.
5. Crystal Cavern
This cave contains large crystal clusters of various colors that emit a faint glow. Standing close to a cluster causes the crystals to vibrate.
- If a creature remains close to the same cluster for a second round, the crystals shatter. All creatures within 10 feet DC 13 DEX or d4 piercing damage.
- The explosion will shatter any other crystal cluster within close.
- Players can salvage d4 crystals (10 gp each) from each shattered cluster.
6. Hell Pit
A foul, sulfuric odor fills the air. Upon entering this area, roll for initiative. 1 Barbed Devil, accompanied by 2 Dretch Demons, emerges from the pit and challenges the Players. If they hold the Wand of Shune they can pass unmolested. If not, hell’s minions will attack, but will not leave this area. Any minion that fails a morale check in the course of battle will flee down the pit.
7. Halls of Profane Arcana
The walls of both tunnels have been carved into high relief depictions of blasphemous rituals. Studying the walls gives insight into the mind of Shune.
- 10 rounds to study all the carvings.
- DC 15 CHA each round of study or feel the presence of Shune touching your soul.
- Failing 3 times gains the Curse of Shune.
- Completing 10 rounds of study with less than 3 failed rolls grants a Blessing of Shune.
Curse of Shune
Casting a spell has a 50% chance (1-3 on a d6) to deal d6 hellfire damage to the caster.
Blessing of Shune
2d6 | Effect (Blessing of Shune can only apply 1/character) |
2 | You can cast Magic Missile INT/day (minimum 1) |
3-7 | You deal +2 damage with magical attacks that deal damage |
8-9 | +2 to Intelligence or Charisma stat |
10-11 | 1/day, inflict Mark of Shune on all near enemies (DC 15 INT to resist) |
12 | Choose one option or 2 points to distribute to stats |
8. Sanctum of Shune the Vile
Stalagmites reach toward the ceiling of this immense chamber. Candles — surrounding an arcane circle inscribed with unholy runes — illuminate two ten-foot tall statues and a bloody altar. 2 cultists and 4 acolytes chant guttural prayers around the circle as the Priest-Mage of Shune raises a dagger above her sacrifice upon the altar.
- Priest-Mage wields the Wand of Shune
- Hidden compartment in the altar contains 80 gp and a random potion
- Trap door under a rug leads to a tunnel to area 9
9. Abyssal Treasure Room
The secret tunnel from Shune’s Sanctum leads to another hatch that opens up into a cave dominated by an abyssal pond. As players enter the cave, massive tentacles spring out of the water and the players’ minds are filled with a low growl: “FEEEEEED! MEEEEEE!” Treasure glimmers in the back of the cave.
- Any attempt to move toward the treasure will trigger the aboleth to attack the players.
- Feeding the aboleth a fresh humanoid corpse, or a live humanoid, will distract it for 5 rounds
- Treasure. Two wooden chests amongst piles of coins. Contents:
- 247 gp. 513 sp.
- Finely woven rug, crest of Shune (100 gp, 2 gear slots)
- Ivory tusk carved with angels battling demons (80 gp)

Initiate of Shune
A commoner who just began their religious studies.
AC 10, HP 4, ATK 1 club +1 (1d4), MV near
S +0, D +0, C +0, I +1, W +0, Ch +0, AL C, LV 1
Acolyte of Shune
A religious trainee who knows basic rites and rituals.
AC 11 (leather), HP 4, ATK 1 mace +1 (1d6) or 1 spell +2, MV near
S +1, D +0, C +0, I +2, W +0, Ch +0, AL C, LV 1
Shune Speech (INT Spell). DC 11. Whisper vile utterances to drain 1d4 HP from one creature within near.
Cultist of Shune
A cloaked, wild-eyed zealot chanting the guttural prayers of a dark god.
AC 13 (chainmail), HP 9, ATK 1 longsword +1 (1d8) or 1 spell +2, MV near
S +1, D +0, C +0, I +2, W +0, Ch +0, AL C, LV 2
Fearless. Immune to morale checks.
Prayer of Shune (INT Spell). DC 12. Petition Shune to drain 2d4 HP from one creature within near.
Priest-Mage of Shune
Shune’s Voice in Darkwater who leads holy rituals and rites.
AC 15 (chainmail + shield), HP 23, ATK 2 mace +3 (1d6) or 1 spell +3, MV near
S +1, D +0, C +1, I +3, W +0, Ch +1, AL L, LV 5
Anoint (INT Spell). DC 12. Close. One weapon or armor becomes a magic +2 version for 10 rounds.
Castigate (INT Spell). DC 13. Focus. Lawful creatures cannot attack priest-mage or come within near range for duration.
Summon Dretch (INT Spell). DC 12. Cast from the Wand of Shune. See spell description below.
Shune’s Vile Gospel (INT Spell). DC 13. Preach the Word of Shune to drain 1d6 HP from all enemies within near.
Wand of Shune
Fiery wand that is warm to the touch and leaves the faint smell of sulfur on the wielder’s fingertips.
- Bypass demonic guards in the mundane world (DC (10 + demon’s level) CHA, roll with advantage)
- Summon Dretch Demon
Summon Dretch Demon
Tier 2, Priest-Mage of Shune
Duration: Focus. Range: Near.
You reach into hell, summoning forth a dretch demon. The demon is under your control and acts on your turn. If you lose focus on this spell, you lose control of the demon and it becomes hostile toward you and your allies. You must pass a spellcasting check on your turn to return the demon to hell.
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