This is a guest post from Keith Rogers Gordon, who is currently working on a novel called The Keys of Illath. Please note that the maps in this post are all copyrighted by Keith Rogers Gordon.
The Keys of Illath is a cross-genre journey that draws from the realms of fantasy, science-fiction, action-adventure, unsolved mystery, martial arts, epic romance, spiritual exploration and magical possibilities – all while (hopefully!) transcending the expected forms and attempting to arrive at an entirely new understanding of who we are, and what we’re capable of.
Hello! First off I’d like to thanks the fine folks here at FMM for a chance to share these maps. This is an original ‘world’ map that I (Keith) made to accompany an online novel that I am in the process of writing. It was made entirely on Photoshop, and since it was my first map it took several hours to figure out the right way to create the coastlines and stack the layers (of which there are 60+ !). The mountains were hand-drawn, and then actually photographed and edited. Throughout the process I relied on a few different tutorials on-line to create the right look for me, and I hope to make a tutorial of my own in the not too distant future. There are other maps available at, as well as music, art, and of course the chapters of the novel-in-progress! Feel free to check it out. I only ask that (since they accompany an original, copyrighted novel) the place names on these maps be respected and used fairly. Thank you.
And here is some sample music from the Prologue:
Make sure to check out The Keys of Illath.
Jack says
I love these maps! Can I read the story when it is done?